: Christopher Mastropietro, John Vervaeke
: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp, paperback
Others diagnose our state as beneath nature, not worthy of participating in its cycles. - This paradoxical confusion about our species' role in the Cosmos has a common denominator. - After unknown thousands of years of faith in the inherent meaning in and of life, since the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment, a dark wave of nihilism has washed across our global village. - How did this meaning crisis happen? Awakening from the Meaning Crisis: Origins traces the history of what led to our contemporary malaise, offering scientific, spiritual, and philosophical interweaving threads that ground us in the troubling truth of our extraordinary evolution. - Impeccably sourced and written with a perfectly paced narrative flair, Vervaeke and Mastropietro's work is an indispensable sense-maker for our time.