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fov'reign from
... fov'reign of the feas appear , The fov'reign of these narrow feas of wit ; " Tis his own Thames ; he knows and governs it . " " Tis his dominion , and domain ; as he Pleafes , ' tis either fhut to us , or free . Not only if his pass ...
fov'reign from
... fov'reign bounty , and attempt a tale Of dear remembrance . But the fond defign , Prudence diffenting , warns me to decline ; For when to public cares your thoughts you bend , A private story mingled must offend . THE artful Theban thus ...
fov'reign from
... fov'reign of the feas appear , The fov'reign of these narrow feas of wit ; " Tis his own Thames ; he knows and governs it . ' Tis his dominion , and domain ; as he Pleafes , ' tis either fhut to us , or free . Not only if his pass ...
fov'reign from
... fov'reign Lord ! And let thy Son and Spirit be With endless Praife ador'd . CCXVII . The joy of the Gospel in its ... fov'reign Grace , And learn to know his Righteoufness ; Taught to forfake their evil Ways , Adore his Name and ...
fov'reign from
... fov'reign Lord of all Thou fun with dazling rays Thou fun with golden beams Thou fov'reign Judge of right & wrong 9 Thou wert its ftrength and glory too Thou wilt arife and fhew thy face Thou wilt difplay that fov'reign grace Thou ...
fov'reign from
... fov'reign's want ; Schemes profper'd then by able statesmen plan'd , And conqueft rose beneath the warrior's hand ; O'er earth , o'er ocean , tow'r the martial train , And grace the facred annals of her reign ; Sprung from this fource , the ...
fov'reign from
... fov'reign fway of Grace Shines with fuperior pow'r to fave , Than fin to damn , which doom'd the race To one wide univerfal grave . 5 Sin reign'd to Death ; but over Sin And Death , with more imperial fway , Grace fpreads her more ...
fov'reign from
... reign Proclaim anew the fov'reign of the main ; CHORUS . Sing , Britons , fing , prizing what fate has giv'n , Union , content , and gratitude to heaven . Fate warr'd on this momentous day ; Three hours nine fhips faw captur'd lay ...
fov'reign from
... reign . His wisdom vaft , the people fhall confess , Judg'd by his purer law in righteousness . By him inftructed ... fov'reign line , ) Shall facred gifts of freewil ' - offering raise , And reverent fall , before their Saviour's ...
fov'reign from
... reign . His wifdom vaft , the people fhall confefs , Judg'd by his purer law in righteousness . By him intructed ... fov'reign line , ) Shall facred gifts of freewill - offering raife , And reverent fall , before their Saviour's ...