
Learn to pronounce pros·tra·tion

  1. the state of lying stretched out on the ground with one's face downward.
    synonyms: collapse, weakness, debility, lassitude, exhaustion, fatigue, tiredness, enervation, emotional exhaustion, paralysis, desolation, despair, despondency, dejection, depression, helplessness
  2. extreme physical weakness or emotional exhaustion.

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Prostration is the gesture of placing one's body in a reverentially or submissively prone position. Typically prostration is distinguished from the lesser ...
1. a : the act of assuming a prostrate position b : the state of being in a prostrate position : abasement 2. a : complete physical or mental exhaustion : ...
noun extreme mental or emotional depression or dejection: nervous prostration. extreme physical weakness or exhaustion: heat prostration.
(prah-STRAY-shun) A condition in which a person is so tired or weak that he or she is unable to do anything.
Other forms: prostrations. If you throw yourself at your mom's feet and beg forgiveness for breaking curfew, that's prostration.
Jan 7, 2023 · Prostration is a state of extreme physical exhaustion, weakness or collapse. Additional Info Prostration can be caused by a number of different factors.
A prostration is a gesture used in Buddhist practice to show reverence to the Triple Gem and other objects of veneration. Among Buddhists prostration is ...
Definition of prostration as in exhaustion a complete depletion of energy or strength an outpatient suffering from fever, prostration, and nausea was rushed to ...
prostration noun [C or U] (LYING) ... the act or position of lying with the face down and arms stretched out, especially as a sign of respect or worship:.
The act or condition of prostrating oneself (lying flat), as a sign of humility. A part of the ordination of Catholic and Orthodox priests.