Our site has information and resources to interest both skeptic and enthusiast alike. Join us in our exploration of the galaxy's fastest growing language.
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The Klingon Language Institute is a nonprofit corporation and exists to facilitate the scholarly exploration and use of the Klingon language and culture.
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The Klingon Language Institute (KLI) is an independent organization originally founded in Flourtown, Pennsylvania and now located in Kentucky.
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People also ask
Can you actually learn to speak Klingon?
Is Klingon a legitimate language?
How do you say hello in Klingon?
The KLI was founded in 1992 and exists to support and promote the study and use of the Klingon Language.
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The Klingon Language Institute (abbreviated KLI) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the study of the Klingon language.
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This is the official Facebook Group for the Klingon Language Institute: http://www.kli.org In operation since 1992, the Klingon Language Institute...
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The Klingon Language Institute is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a forum for individuals interested in Klingon linguistics to learn ...
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The Klingon Language Institute (KLI) is an organization who helps to teach and learn the Klingon language. Klingon is a language that has been made for the ...
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The purpose of the Kor Memorial Scholarship is to recognize and encourage scholarship in fields of language study.
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Sep 8, 2018 · A nonprofit organization dedicated to the study and promotion of the language. KLI is, as surprising as it sounds, a honest-to-goodness scholarly organization.
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