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inauthor: John Leland from
... John Akers , late of Limehoufe , deceafed . Approaching now to th ' Age of fifty feven , In Spirit tranflated was ... Leland and the Weaver writes , that this Monaftery was reple- Monafticon Anglicquum will not be eafy ; for nished ...
inauthor: John Leland from
... in author's auto- graph on fly - leaf ) . IJ ( 445 ) $ 25.00 . -Orestes . N. Y. , 1910. I2mo . Bds . , unc ... LELAND ( John ) . View of the Principal Deistical Writers . Lond . , 1837. 8vo . ( Autograph of Millard Fillmore ) ...
inauthor: John Leland from
These are surprise, the quality of opposing forces, the success of friendly forces with which the Rangers were cooperating, and popular support.
inauthor: John Leland from
... John A. Graf , 9 Apr. 1968 , in LDHF . 26. Louisville Courier - Journal , 12-14 Feb. and 1 Mar. 1969 ; Lexington ... Leland R. Johnson , " Waterways : The Fourth Pillar of Defense , " Military Engineer 72 ( Nov. - Dec . 1980 ) ...
inauthor: John Leland from
... in author- ity and autocratic in judgment . He admitted that since the adoption of the constitution the assembly ... John Whipple in Wilkinson vs. Leland ( 2 Peters ' Reports , 631 ) , heard before the Supreme Court of the United ...
inauthor: John Leland from
... John R. " Water Resources Development : The Role of the Army Enginners , 1824-1930 . " Unpublished manuscript in the ... Leland , Edwin A. , Jr. “ An Administrative History of the Inland Waterways Corporation . " Unpublished Ph.D ...
inauthor: John Leland from
... John Barrow , Esq . Portrait . Levv . Trana'ste 15. George Baker , A M : With a Portrast The History of Arabia ... Leland , D.D. Portrait . 2 voLS Ders , fuICS རྣངམ་ ཤོ་ མ་ སྐྱས་ སུ ! Amgmg . P & T . Eg With Engres 29. 2 Tales from ...
inauthor: John Leland from
... John Tobin [ q . v . ] , was born at Salisbury TOBIN , JOHN ( 1770-1804 ) , dramatist , on 13 Dec. 1768. He entered the navy in author ... Leland's Collectanea ; Bale's Scriptt . 1559 , p . 90 ; Pits , p . 124 ; Baronius's Annales Eccl ...
inauthor: John Leland from
... Leland and New Buffalo Harbors and particularly the harbor of Ontonagon , Mich . With your permission , at this time ... JOHN B. BENNETT , A U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE STATE OF MICHIGAN HARBOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mr. BENNETT ...
inauthor: John Leland from
... Leland Stanford . Royal 4to . $ 10.00 . SWEETSER'S ( M. F. ) Artist ... ( JOHN ADDINGTON ) New and Old : a Volume of Verse . 1 vol . 12mo . $ 1.50 ... In Author's THACKERAY ( WILLIAM M. ) . The Ballads of . Complete illustrated ...