... Camille Desmoulins. Only persons who had grounded themselves pretty thoroughly in the history of the French Revolution can have been willing to pay $90 for one of the Desmoulins letters and ?60 for the other. We know not what ...
... Camille Desmoulins, maudissant ses juges, criait, entre les mains des exdcuteurs, quand ils le saisirent pour le faire monter sur la char- rette fatale : " Les cannnibales !. . . lraut-il que j'aie etd la dupe de Robespierre ...
... Camille Desmoulins, jei ne journciliste de talent, qui s'etait fait. commensal, le courtisan, ou, ipour mieux dire, le pique-assiette de .Mirabeau. M. Camille 'Desmoulins, qui n'etait pas riche, voyait avec douieur. tout_ couvert de ...
... Camille Desmoulins. and Robespierre, and in all upwards of 2,800. Cut the French remembej- those'days of tragedy Avith less -sorrow than they do the crowning indignity . of the presence of the Prussians on the Place de la Concorde .in ...
Auguste Desmoulins, who died the other day in France, was engaged at the time of his death in translating Henry George's "Social Problems" into French. He was a de-< scendant of Camille Desmoulins, the. revolutionist, and was a white ...
... Camille Desmoulins places in bold relief the courage and humanity of the party of clemency and the heroic sen-ice in the cause of humanity which cost Desmoulins his head. In other books relating to that period Claretie has torn the veil ...
CAMILLE DESMOULINS STORY OF THE MAN WHO LIGHTED THE TORCH. frlnelpnl Kplsnilon In Ilio Career of On mlllo— IIU Oonlii.i nnil Character — Worl. of "Tlio Old tlio riiice do. Cordellnr"— Flnnl Soono li. American tlun.) N15 mini there wns ...
... Camille Desmoulins, quanc indlnnada, apontando-lhc a indumcnt&rl(i romantica, pcr- guntou: — Mas como, Camille? Pu- seram voce de kotos... Mas voce nao usava botast Ai veto a resposta, bcw franccsa, pcla graga e ironia, da estdtua ...
... Camille Desmoulins, tant la gene- rosite d'ame etait bien le trait le plus oppose au caractere de Saint-Just, il enviait le journaliste que le viciix Cordelier a rendu immortel et ne lui pardonnait pas son ironie a son egard «Tu ...
... Camille Desmoulins; ordained September 22, 1787; stationed in parish of St. Sulpice, Paris; was chaplain of Les Petites Kaisons, home . for aged and orphanage, conducted by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul; fled from ...