The Trench. Method. A statue has just boon erected to Camille Desmoulins You pass along a street some line day, and see them rigsring up a scaffolding. •'•What's that for, eh.-" "Going to guillotine Whatslusnamo.'" A few years later you ...
... Camille Desmoulins, le drame san- glant oft a sonibr^ la D6clara- tion des Drolls de I'Homme: "L,e peuple chnrmnnt ct ruf- fine du XVIIIe siecle, le plua poll du monde, du jour au lundemain u et<S aussi le peuplc- terrible <le 1793. Les ...
... Camille Desmoulins. a quien Robespierre envio a la guillohna en 1794, El fenomeno mas importante en la concepcidn del mundo de Robespierre, fue su complota e incondicional con- ver^von a Rousseau. Segun parecd llego incluso a visitar al ...
... Camille Desmoulins, Danton, Robespierre et bien qu'il serai t trop long de citer; ils se faisaient remar- lour assiduitd. Je ne sais plus quel roi de France donna des lettres de noa. son cuisinier pour le rdcompenser d'un plat d'huitres ...
... Camille Desmoulins, Chau- metto., Et Robespierre avait impose sa dictaturo,. A la Croix-Miser*. dana le pare, qu'aucun dinior no disciplinait plus, ot qui jotait dans t«« les directions, son exuberant* vogetttion, Uraus otait jnquiot. jar ...
... Camille Desmoulins langa a Franga Livre, requisitorio contra a monarquia e a favor de uma sociedade sem venalidade administrative, nem pobreza hereditaria, nem privilegios fisdinheiro,. cais. Anteontem, ele foi visto nos jardins do ...
... Camille Desmoulins, the revolutionary and poet, jumping onstage to take Beaumarchais's arm at the conclusion of the first performance of the play. "The hour has come!" All this from a farce? Well, yes and no. Audiences at Circle in the ...
... Camille Desmoulins, a prominent French Revolutionary journalist, described his fellow Jacobins as "the very small number of those to whom only the witness of their conscience is necessary, the small number of men of character ...
... Camille Desmoulins, Danton ot dix autros. 11 jiarlo aussi de plusiours iiiconnus. Les inconnus jouent un certain role aux ejioques de toui- meiilo. A co sujot, laiRsex-moi rapport nirs de 1H-1S. Eu mars, reunions ralos, uno scone assex ...
... Camille Desmoulins. After a .stormy political life, he was arrested 'and guillotined on March 24, 1794. His wife, who had been a nun, was executed twenty days later. The coat of arms illustrated is one of eleven recorded to the Hebert ...