Pepper Plant

13.0" pot
pot-drainage Drainage
pot-type Plastic
soil-type Regular
outdoor-plant Outdoor
🎂 Dec 3rd

AJIES DULCES should be watered every 10 days and was last watered on Saturday Dec 3rd.

#Capsicum Discussion

Do you know why it’s black like this?

Plant developing funky characteristics

I've made a mistake :( I was too excited the weather was nice here in Germany. And planted all my beautiful prepared pepper plants outside. The weather has gotten back to unstable and some of them even started producing flowers waaaay too early. What can I do, are they gonna stay at that size? Or can I just pull the flowers off and they will just continue growing later? Is it doomed #pepper #gardening #outsideplants #early_flower

Loki got new leaves!!!

My pepper plants are getting bigger! How should I maintain their health so they don’t wither during the summer?

My bell peppers are starting to produce flowers. Any pruning that I should do to encourage fruiting? Oh. Also, how do you rid off ants. They love my pepper plant.

I have an issue with my pepper plants, it then to look scorched. It's as if the plant has been through a rough patch. I'm suspecting a certain level of potassium deficiency. Also the fruits are a bit strange . What say you? , need help #pepperplant

Hello guys, what am I doing wrong here leaves are curling and color is getting yellow, no sunlight in my room, changed the pot with new soil. Leaves are also drooling

Pepper I picked up from a local nursery during a sale. πŸ™‚ Should I pick the peppers once ripe and prune them down so she is not so tall? Any tips are appreciated #PlantsMakePeopleHappy

I found this little one, but it’s all withered and looks sad.